
Located in Nixa, Missouri...
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Most Repairs Completed in Less Than One Day!


Why is Dent Magic's Minor Dent and Hail Damage Removal Superior to conventional auto body shop repairs?


No matter if your vehicle is the victim of hail or shopping cart damage, Dent Magic is here to help you! Dent Magic's state-of-the-art paintless dent removal repair techniques maintain the integrity of your vehicle's original factory finish. It's the system-of-choice used to remove minor dents and hail damage on the factory floor of major car manufacturers.

No Paint Mis-Matches

The paintless dent removal process is non-abrasive and environmentally friendly using no body filller, sanding or painting. No harmful toxins or chemicals are used, leaving your vehicle dust and odor free.


Using our Signature Line of Custom Designed Hand Tools...

...our highly skilled Dent Magic PDR techs manipulate and work the dents out from behind the panel, leaving your vehicle's paint and finish intact--which also keeps its resale value intact.

We Have the Know how to Access the Dents...

...on all makes and models of automobiles, both foreign and domestic. And, because Dent Magic designs the tools that we need to get to the hard to reach areas on roofs, trunks, doors and fenders; we eliminate creases and body lines that some of our competitors leave behind.

Saves You Time!

The Dent Magic advantage reduces the time spent waiting for your vehicle while it's stuck in the shop--a cut above traditional body shop techniques. Hail damage can often be repaired in one day and door dings can even be repaired while you wait.

Saves You Money!

Because repairs can be completed in hours rather than days or weeks--that will be most evident on your bill. And, we work with all major insurance companies to process your claim, keeping your experience hassle-free.

That's Quality and Convenience!

Unless we advise you otherwise, your repairs will be completely and permanently invisible. That promise is covered by a written warranty good for as long as you own your vehicle.

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